Resources on Druidry and Reformed Druidism

Below is a partial list of commonly recommended readings for people who come to explore druidry, including RDNA-specific works.


Books From the Reformed Druids of North America (ARDA!)

RDNA Derivative, Condensed, or Adapted Works

RDNA Newsletters

Books From the Reformed Druids of North America (ARDA!)

A Reformed Druid Anthology, 2nd ed (also known as ARDA-2) – this is a monumental collection (almost a thousand pages long), and it comes in various forms and formats due to its sheer size. The PDF versions are always FREE, but hardcover prints are available from Lulu Print-On-Demand. The catch with Lulu is that their bookbinding press can only handle books up to 800 pages, thus ARDA-2 is just a bit too big to be printed as one compendium. As a result, the Lulu printed version has been divided into three tomes that are several hundred pages each.

Volumes: There are eleven volumes that comprise ARDA-2, including "Volume Zero." Click here to view the list and descriptions of each volume.

ARDA-2 Complete (FREE PDF) (Volumes 0-10, excluding vol 6)

Volume 6: Green Books of Meditation complete (FREE PDF) – this alone is almost a thousand pages long and intentionally set apart from the other volumes. The Green Books are only available in PDF and contain inspirational writings from many religions and cultures.

ARDA-2 complete ePub format from Lulu (99¢) (Volumes 0-10, excluding vol 6). If we could set the price lower, we would.

ARDA-2 hardcover prints for purchase from Lulu - a three book set:

Portion of ARDA on Lulu Contents
Book 1 of 3 ARDA-2 Volumes 0, 1, & 2
Book 2 of 3 ARDA-2 Volume 3
Book 3 of 3 ARDA-2 Volumes 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, & 10 (Excludes Vol 6)

ARDA Audiobook Project: The Chronicles of the Foundation and a portion of the Apocrypha have been recorded as audio books in plain MP3 format, but without the introductions, end-notes, or historiographical content. The audio recordings feature only the main works. There are additional audio files that have not been edited down into subsequent audiobook sections yet, and there is still much more recording to be started. You can enjoy what we have so far, but the rest will be a work in progress for some time to come.

RDNA Derivative, Condensed, or Adapted Works

The Carleton Druid Collection (FREE PDF) – a smaller compendium of selected works from the Druid Archive that existed in 1976

Unofficial Welcome Pamphlet (FREE PDF) is the original 22 pages of the main written works (The Chronicles of the Foundation) plus another hundred pages of introductory info on the RDNA and how to start your own protogrove

Black Book of Liturgy (FREE PDF) is Oakdale Grove's recommended readings from ARDA-2 plus many scripts of RDNA ritual variations and rites of passage)

Black Book of Liturgy (hardcover purchase option from Lulu)

RDNA Newsletters

The Reformed Druids of North America has had several periodical publications over the decades, each of which were based on reader contributions. Click the links in the table below to view the archive of available publications.

Periodical Run Dates
Connexus Of Reformed Druids Bi-Quarterly (C.O.R.D. BQ) 2020-Present
Druid Inquirer 2008-2015
A Druid Missal-Any 1982-1991, 2000-2004
Druid Chronicler & Pentalpha 1977-1981