Connexus Of Reformed Druids Biquarterly - C.O.R.D. BQ

Connexus Of Reformed Druids Biquarterly, or "CORD BQ" is a free newsletter geared toward the Reformed Druids of North America (RDNA), and can be enjoyed by anyone who is interested, regardless of affiliation. The first volume and issue was released on the Autumnal Equinox of 2020, and subsequent issues are published upon the Wheel of the Year high days, with an additional satirical edition on April first.


Current and Previous C.O.R.D. Issues

Submit Content to C.O.R.D. or Subscribe/Unsubscribe

Current and Previous C.O.R.D. Issues
(see also latest PDF issue embedded in-page)

Volume & Issue Publication Period (Newest On Top!)
Volume 4, Issue 7 Midsummer 2024
Volume 4, Issue 6 Beltane 2024
Volume 4, Issue 5.1 Mwfydnfud 2024
Volume 4, Issue 5 Vernal Equinox 2024
Volume 4, Issue 4 Oimelc 2024
Volume 4, Issue 3 Midwinter Solstice 2023
Volume 4, Issue 2 Samhain 2023
Volume 4, Issue 1 Autumnal Equinox 2023
Volume 3, Issue 8 Lughnasadh 2023
Volume 3, Issue 7 Midsummer Solstice 2023
Volume 3, Issue 6.1 Beltane 2023 (part 2 of 2)
Volume 3, Issue 6 Beltane 2023 (part 1 of 2)
Volume 3, Issue 5.1 Mwfydnfud 2023
Volume 3, Issue 5 Vernal Equinox 2023
Volume 3, Issue 4 Oimelc 2023
Volume 3, Issue 3 Midwinter Solstice 2022
Volume 3, Issue 2 Samhain 2022
Volume 3, Issue 1 Autumnal Equinox 2022
Volume 2, Issue 8 Lughnasadh 2022
Volume 2, Issue 7 Midsummer Solstice 2022
Volume 2, Issue 6 Beltane 2022
Volume 2, Issue 5.1 Mwfydnfud 2022
Volume 2, Issue 5 Vernal Equinox 2022
Volume 2, Issue 4 Oimelc 2022
Volume 2, Issue 3 Midwinter Solstice 2021
Volume 2, Issue 2 Samhain 2021
Volume 2, Issue 1 Autumnal Equinox 2021
Volume 1, Issue 8 Lughnasadh 2021
Volume 1, Issue 7 Midsummer Solstice 2021
Volume 1, Issue 6 Beltane 2021
Volume 1, Issue 5.1 Mwfydnfud 2021
Volume 1, Issue 5 Vernal Equinox 2021
Volume 1, Issue 4 Oimelc 2021
Volume 1, Issue 3 Midwinter Solstice 2020
Volume 1, Issue 2 Samhain 2020
Volume 1, Issue 1 Autumnal Equinox 2020

Submit Content to C.O.R.D. or Subscribe/Unsubscribe

You may subscribe or unsubscribe via our web interface.

To submit content to the C.O.R.D., please use the links below:

What Does C.O.R.D. Look For? Content that you have the rights or permission to share that is PG-13 or tamer in the following categories:

  • News of Reformed Druidry Groves, Protogroves, & Solo Druids
  • Poetry and Short Stories
  • Druidic projects, tutorials, arts, crafts you are making
  • Personal milestones, editorials, druidic book or product reviews, critiques
  • Seeker Bulletins like “Solo druid looking for other druids in ______”
  • Your own photography
  • Links to videos of druidic interest (need not be your own)
  • Links to your druid blogs or social media
  • Divinations and their summaries
  • Events you’re willing to announce publicly
  • Do you have a druid-oriented Etsy shop or similar online store? One page of the newsletter is free artisan promo space!
  • Propose a topic; you can help make this newsletter be a success!