Shrine of the Irish Oak Protogrove

Updated May 2024

Branch: RDNA
Type: Protogrove
Location: (Currently relocating to Missouri from Waldron, Arkansas)
Status: Active
Founded: 2004
Members: 4
Open to public: Yes
Contact name: Wolf Paradox
Contact email: megawolf2002&yahoo/com
Social media link or website: Facebook group

About Our Fellowship

Our tradition is based on the multicultural Celto-Roman Animistic Polytheistic religion, which was practiced throughout Celto-Roman Europe and Britain, Worshiping both native Celtic Deities as well as Deities the Romans brought with them , not as a reconstructionists , but as what might have been if the Celto-Roman culture would have thrived and continued into the modern day. Other Religious associations: We are also currently chartered by the Universal Life Church of Modesto. We at other times have been associated with Keltra and ADF, but hold no charters under them.

Shrine of the Irish Oak Protogrove Constitution

We, the druids at Waldron Arkansas, in order to make more fruitful our existence, upon the time of 72nd day of Earrach in the 41st Year of the Reform, or the 12th day of April, 2004 of the common calendar, do hereby enact this, our Constitution.

Article I
The name of this fellowship shall be Shrine of the Irish Oak Protogrove of the Reformed Druids of North America.

Article II
One may become a member of this fellowship upon presenting a petition stating they believe in the Basic Tenets of Reformed Druidism as set forth in this Constitution.

Article III
The Two Basic Tenets of Reformed Druidism, as paraphrased by us, are these:
1: One of the many ways in which the object of one's search for spiritual truth can be found is through Nature, the Earth-Mother.
2: Nature, being one of the primary concerns in one's life and struggle, and being one of the objects of creation, is important to our spiritual quests.

Article IV
There shall be four officers of the Grove:
1: The Liturgist shall preside over liturgical services, and shall be the principal officer in matters of the spiritual.
2: The Secretary shall assist in services, and shall be the principal officer in matters of the secular.
3: The Cup Bearer shall assist in liturgical services.
4: The Guardian shall keep watch to maintain safety of those present.

Article V
Democratic elections of officers shall be voted upon by show of hands annually at Midsummer. The Liturgist reserves the right to appoint a pro tempore substitute for an absent officer should the need or request arise.

Article VI
This Constitution may be ratified by a majority vote in two consecutive meetings of this organization. A quorum, which shall be no less than three members but at least one eighth of the active membership, should be present in order for voting to be carried out for elections and major decisions.

Article VII
I certify this to be a true and accurate record of Shrine of the Irish Oak Protogrove’s Constitution of the Reformed Druids of North America, declared and approved at two consecutive meetings by a quorum of the membership, and signed by:
Wolf Paradox, Founding Liturgist.